We had a leisurely departure from Grace Harbour, after an Omelet Breakfast that would not have been possible without world-class provisioning - thanks, again, Sue. We made our way West, which felt more like North, before heading "truly" North into Desolation Sound and Prideaux Haven, a sheltered and spectacular anchorage.

We went for our first Kayak in Prideaux, a peaceful and gorgeous setting, where the clams are so plentiful that they grow on trees (at low tide, mind you).

We had a very close encounter with the world's smartest Oyster Catcher. Why would you want to live anywhere else if you're a fan of shellfish?

Back at the boat, our trusty First Mate (arguably, with questionable judgement) lived up to his pledge to swim in every body of water we encounter along our journey - we'll see how that goes as we wind our way North to Alaska. We've had unseasonably warm, Summer-like conditions, but the weather is slated to change. So stay tuned on that front. For now, three days in, the spiritual contract is intact. The water at Prideaux was a 12 out of 10.

We then continued West/Northwest, pausing to check out Refuge Cove and the legendary "Dave the Garbage Guy", made famous by First Mate Steve on the trip of 2020. Dave was in residence, but it's clearly too early in the season for him to advertise with his usual sign. Whatever it takes to make a living, off the grid, in the one of the most beautiful places in the world.

We carried on through our first set of very tricky waters, with rapids that run like rivers, due to tidal changes and narrow passages, and with great names like Yuculta Rapids, Devil's Hole, Hole in the Wall and Arrin Rapids. It was slack tide, and the conditions were excellent, so no drama, but you could see, and feel, how high and low tide could be a serious problem. This is all in the area near the very exclusive Stuart Island, and it led us to Blind Channel, on West Thurlow Island - a tiny marina and bastion of civilization before we head to the Broughtons and Johnstone Strait tomorrow. Along the way, we reconnected with our pals, Eric, John and Rob, aboard Buttercup. They caught a Ling Cod on their travels, today, and the Fish Tacos were delicious. Thanks, Fellas!

Ok…how come you guys are always touching each other?
Fantastic photos and descriptions today, feel like I am there.